How to save electricity at home?

You may want to save electricity at home for various reasons, among which are the concern about the carbon footprint and the cost of the energy bill, mainly. Whatever the reasons, saving electricity is an excellent idea.

Not only do we help the planet, but we even improve our habits, becoming a little more independent of electricity. Here are some tips, both short and long term, to reduce electricity consumption.

Table of Contents

How to save electricity at home?

How to save electricity in the short term?

Take advantage of natural light

Sometimes it happens that technological devices absorb us, so that we stay awake watching a series or checking our social networks. As a consequence, we get up late in the morning, wasting precious hours of sunshine.

It is a good idea to change this habit, so that we go to bed and get up at a reasonable hour; in this way, we minimize the consumption of electricity that we invest in leisure.

Another way to take advantage of natural light is by arranging our furniture and our space, so that the activities in which we need good lighting depend as little as possible on artificial light.

For example, if we can install our desk or our place of study near a window or directly on a covered terrace, the reduction in energy consumption that we have is considerable.

Keep air conditioning to a minimum

As in our home we seek to be comfortable, we make use of technologies that provide us with a comfortable quality of life. However, it often happens that we go overboard and commit more resources than necessary in that endeavor.

Air conditioning and its abuse is an example. This is an appliance that is characterized, along with the refrigerator, by consuming enormous amounts of energy. Up to 2200 W of consumption: the equivalent of almost 30 conventional light bulbs on at the same time!

To save electrical energy we do not have to completely do without air conditioning, but we can use it reasonably. We can, for example, demand little of it and, to lessen the sensation of heat, wear loose clothing or make use of the old hand fan.

Use washing machine and dishwasher at maximum capacity

How many times has it happened to us that we need a garment, only one, and we use the washing machine to wash it and be able to use it? It's a common thing, unfortunately. It is a habit that we can change: filling the washing machine so that it is used less often, like the dishwasher, guarantees that less energy is wasted. Furthermore, by doing this, we not only save electricity, but we also save water.

Unplug electrical appliances that are not in use

It is common for an appliance, such as televisions or stereos or microwaves, to have a timer that sets an operating time, after which it automatically turns off. Or we can turn it off ourselves.

The state in which an appliance like this remains is known as stand-by: even if it is turned off, it is still connected to the current and consuming it. It is said that around 10% of the consumption that is reflected in electricity bills is due to this “phantom consumption” of stand-by.

Turn off lights that are not needed

Although it seems obvious, by its very obviousness we forget it. We leave a room, or the bathroom, or the kitchen, and we leave behind the light on, illuminating a space where there is no one. Out of sheer oblivion; however, that is no excuse. You have to be aware of how wasteful and unnecessary this habit is, so it can be avoided.

Avoid the use of certain appliances

More and more people are convinced that ironing clothes is an old-fashioned practice, from the last century. Although it looks good and is more comfortable, it is undeniable that it is a considerable energy expense (not to mention the time spent there too). The same hair dryer or electric coffee maker.

They are appliances that mean a considerably large energy consumption. An iron consumes up to 18 times more energy in one hour than a 50-inch LED TV in the same time! In addition, it is an appliance whose use is not essential for us.

How to save electricity in the long term?

Buy energy saving light bulbs

LED bulbs, unlike conventional bulbs, record a really low current consumption. For example, a conventional 1100 lumen light bulb consumes about 75 W; while an LED bulb, also 1100 lumens, consumes between 10 and 15 W.

In other words, an LED bulb consumes up to seven and a half times less energy than a conventional bulb of the same light output. In other words, replacing all conventional light bulbs in the house with LED bulbs significantly reduces energy consumption, which is reflected in the cost of the bill.

Purchase more efficient appliances

Energy efficiency refers to the ability of a device to perform its function in the best way using the least possible amount of energy resources. Only since a few years has this concept (which was well known and applied at an industrial level but almost ignored in the domestic sphere) become popular among household appliances.

In some parts of the world, appliances have a label that reflects the energy efficiency of the appliance in question. It's a good idea to review the energy efficiency of any appliance you're considering purchasing, and if that's the case, compare different products.

Ultimately, although the cost of the most efficient appliance may be higher at the time of purchase, this cost will be offset in the future due to the low consumption it will record.

Electric shower or water heater?

One of the devices that consumes the most energy is the electric shower: about 1500 W, or, what is the same, 20 conventional light bulbs on at the same time. It is true that the installation of an electric shower is easier and cheaper than the installation of a water heater; but, in the long run, and since a water heater has a considerably longer lifespan, a water heater is a much more efficient and economical option.

Use smart plugs

There are a wide variety of electrical plugs on the market, which offer a wide range of advantages. The most common is the timer: it can be programmed to connect or disconnect an appliance depending on the use that we are going to give it. In this way, this “phantom consumption” of stand-by is avoided.

Opt for alternative sources of energy

Even if it's not about saving energy per se, but about saving money on your mains energy bills, having an alternative source is a great idea. There are many options on the market, some more efficient than others, and some cheaper than others.

We find, for example, solar panels; or to the mills that take advantage of the force of the wind to generate electricity.

We also find the Electric generators, like the ones we offer you, powered by diesel. They offer truly extraordinary power: they can support consumption of up to 60 KW! They are very durable machines; In addition to offering an energy alternative, they are an unmatched advantage when the main network fails. Here you can learn more about electric generators and the advantages they can offer you.

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